Future of Science & Technology Q&A:
Future of Science and Technology Q&A (October 11, 2024) »
1 hour 24 minutes
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I read that recent advancements in AI research are partly based on McCulloch and Pitts's famous paper on neural nets. Do you think there are more ideas worthwhile to explore again in cybernetics?
What is the future of technology about speech recognition?
How do I know if I am speaking to a human? The future is crazy!
Future of finance! Talk about AI talking to AI for trading.
Getting an AI to understand economics seems like it'll be quite a step.
What's the difference between a computational and a mathematical model?
Have you seen Blaise Agüera y Arcas's recent paper on self-replicating programs? Published on arXiv recently.
Wouldn't chaos theory be an example of the computational case? You know the rules of the system but have to set the initial conditions to see how it plays out.
How do we prepare for the risk of bots/worms invading everyday life as we become more dependent on technology?
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