Stephen Wolfram Livestreams

Future of Science & Technology Q&A (35 videos)

Biweekly ask-me-anything about the future of science & technology


New episode streaming Friday, March 14, at 3:30pm ET. Submit your questions

Future of Science & Technology Q&A:
What scientific breakthroughs would you like to see in 2024? Whatever happened to graphene? Is it still a viable product of future technologies? Could we build "bio-vehicles," e.g. instead of batteries, use synthetic adipose tissue, which is ~50–100 times more mass efficient per kWh? (Is there a future in bio-batteries?) Based on the level of computational advances this last decade, with the trend only showing even more of the same, do you think that traditional engineering disciplines will be relegated to OpenLLM? Do you think we'll see mass-producible, room-temperature superconductors in the next decade? ​It has been suggested that AI will displace coders/programmers. Do you think AI might also replace many physical and chemical experiments? Any thoughts on "zero-knowledge proofs," i.e. the ability to make proofs without revealing details? Given that some of our greatest accomplishments as a species have happened when we mimic nature, how important do you think biomimetics will be going forward? Can you see a time when the discovery of new mathematical theorems and axioms will be generated from AIs? When Betelgeuse explodes, will humans be okay? Do you think smart textiles/computing fabrics will take off or be viable? Would you wear, say, a sweater to hear instead of a hearing aid? But things like math, geometry and especially tessellation have patterns that are universally implicit and can be interpreted as interesting by their own existence, and not just by the view of humanity. Is there a way we can use Brownian motion at a molecular scale as a type of fingerprint for nano-sensors to create things that are piracy-proof? Why are the axioms of mathematics necessarily the ones that are effective at describing things we see as well? What do things like dreams and "higher states of consciousness" spoken about in Eastern philosophies tell us about ourselves as observers? Would it be easy to have an AI remaster old movies, both real ones and cartoons, so we can watch all the old gems in high-end graphics? "Interesting" is defined by a "coolness" threshold. Since the scientific paradigm was a major cause for the Enlightenment, can we expect the (multi-)computational paradigm to kick off a socio-philosophical paradigm of comparable importance? If someone invented calculus in the Stone Age, it would probably have not been used for anything... Do you think there are some ideas that may be "rediscovered" because they have a better use? View Less »
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Future of Science & Technology Q&A:
​​What will "prompt engineering" be like if LLMs are super-intelligent? ​​Maybe language is stopping us to get some ideas because we cannot formulate the idea in our known languages? ​​Elon yesterday on X was saying how most of our memory is digital now and same will happen with concepts, just stored on some device. Seems like, for creatures like cuttlefish or octopus where they have the ability to change the shape texture and color of their skin, they must have something "different" going on in their brains, where they are not just capable of perceiving shape color and texture of the outside world, but also the ability to physically "mimicking" it.... Just a thought. In the future the Earth would probably be a big brain. If every connected computer on the internet was running neuron-computations... What if we need to deal with concepts that need more neural mass that we possess? ​What do you think of the plans to shoot feature films in space? What impact will the Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G technology have on our daily lives, from smart cities to autonomous vehicles? ​​Someone should start a tourist livestream channel. Do you think in the future humans could interact with AIs via a visualization of latent space to create new concepts? Missing the ability to try the food, a major reason to actually go somewhere. Do you think there'd be a way to "taste" via computation? Thank you for these livestreams. Dr Wolfram mentioned on the stream Wednesday his work on developing a course on computation thinking. I wonder if he could comment on how that is going? When is AI going to travel the galaxy on its own and create its own habitat on a different planet? Have you ever had figgy pudding? If so, how would you describe it? View Less »
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Future of Science & Technology Q&A:
Future of Science & Technology Q&A:
How will the future of mathematics change? ​​Would there be a way to use the Moon as a gravitational tugboat to slowly tow the Earth away from the expanding surface of the red giant Sun so it can stay in the Goldilocks Zone? What future applications do you think will come out with the discovery of the ability to measure at the attosecond time scale? Do you think that new conjectures could also be made by AI/AGI systems? How will humans tackle the abstraction and complexity of them? SW's TED Talk announcement + discussion of the Wolfram Physics Project ​​Could you speak a bit about energy "as the flux of causal edges through spacelike hypersurfaces"? Specifically, is there some more intuition or narrative you can provide as to why that is the case? On the topic of conferences, do you think technology will change the format? Or will panels and standard talks remain a constant? Will AIs one day be participants? What is it like to actually run a task on a supercomputer? Don't you fear humans will start to live mostly in digital worlds and most cognitive energy will be spent on problems there and not in the natural sciences? Would it be possible at some point to have both a digital and physical consciousness simultaneously? And then when you sleep, they combine or something to absorb the knowledge of both experiences? What if we take someone's videos, articles, life notes, a lot of things... and feed them into some specialized AI, and make it answer questions and behave almost like that person? That technology is not so far away... It feels a bit like "concussions transfer." Do you think it can be classified like that? ​​Stephen's livestreams are like mini sci-fi adventures for the mind. View Less »
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Future of Science & Technology Q&A:
Future of Science & Technology Q&A: