History of Science & Technology Q&A:
History of Science and Technology Q&A (March 5, 2025) »
1 hour 26 minutes
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What is the history of game theory? What are some successful and less successful applications of this theory? Can you speak about John Nash's work? Did that have any influence on your automata work?
I wonder if that code by Nash exists anywhere? It would be interesting to read.
Do you view the world as being governed by randomness or order?
Would you ever write a book intended to explain the history of the ruliad/Physics Project?
Have you studied the history of cognitive neurological abilities of scientists throughout the ages, things like long-term memory, imagination, creativity...?
Do scientists invent tools first and then look for a problem to use them on, or do they find a problem first and then invent the tool to crack it?
What is your favorite "age" of science?
How did early mechanical computers like the Babbage Engine influence modern computing?
Do you think Ada would have had more success in science and math today than she did when she was alive?
Would you say you research more of the history of people or history of their projects/research? Which do you find more useful?
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