History of Science & Technology Q&A:
History of Science and Technology Q&A (September 22, 2021) »
1 hour 32 minutes
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Why are keyboards the default computer interface?
Why didn't someone invent the printing press earlier? Was it an engineering problem or a lack of entrepreneurship?
Would Professor Feynman have been able to make it as a standup comedian?
How much science and technology isn't published or publicly available? Is the most advanced science in the published literature, patents and things like that?
Why is the Turing machine model so dominant today in the theory of computation compared to the equivalent lambda calculus?
Is there an essay about the printing of "A New Kind of Science"?
Is it possible to identify the moment in history when scientific investigation as we know it today broke away from the study of philosophy?
Why is there something rather than nothing?
Why do you think certain cultures have had such a disproportionate success in science, discovery and business?
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