History of Science & Technology Q&A:
History of Science and Technology Q&A (January 11, 2023) »
1 hour 22 minutes
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What could Aristotle have accomplished if he had a modern machine learning system? Could he have discovered logic?
Didn't Noam Chomsky also do some work in the intersection between math/logic and language? I wondered if language models are based on that at all.
Will the next generation of ChatGPT or VoiceGPT have any negative recourse, especially when it comes to impersonation?
A similar Chomsky idea is "Can a submarine swim?" In English it can't, and in Japanese it can.
Do you think AI presents an existential risk? If so, how could we mitigate it?
How do you think Einstein or even Stephen Hawking would react to ChatGPT? Are there any figures in science who predicted this development?
Given what we have learned from AI models, does learning from history allow us to better predict the future? Does modeling the past imply modeling the future?
Ants are structured distinctly enough that it can lead to immediate conclusions on many levels.
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