Science & Technology Q&A for Kids & Others:
Science & Technology Q&A for Kids (and Others) [Episode 98] »
1 hour 14 minutes
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What does the concept of the ruliad say about teleportation?
So are we experiencing a single state of the universe, or are we sampling different branches to build our experience?
If the speed of light emerges from propagation through discrete emes, then does the speed of light vary slightly? Could this be experimentally validated?
I've listened to live neurons in a lab, amplified and made audible—very strange experience.
It would be the ultimate biofeedback experience to visually see one's own neuronal activations spatially. Engineering that might be tricky for a while.
Would there be, in theory, a way to measure your relative position in rulial space?
How do new concepts get created and integrated in the mind of humanity? What makes them robust over 1,000+ years?
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