Science & Technology Q&A for Kids & Others:
Science & Technology Q&A for Kids (and Others) [Episode 83] »
1 hour 20 minutes
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Is 10 a special number in any way? Why is scientific notation (or the digit system) in base 10? Is it just because we have 5×2 fingers? Lots of flowers have five-fold symmetry.
Empedocles believed arms, fingers and legs just roamed around as creatures of their own, eventually merging into all kinds of creatures, and only the five-fingered, four-limbed animals won out. It's like an ancient Greek natural selection.
Why are some animals cold-blooded?
Can the Wolfram Physics Project be used to simulate models of new medications for diseases? #WolframPharma.
Will we ever successfully be able to use cryogenics to freeze humans? Won't the ice crystals rupture our cells, like a banana left in the freezer and then thawing it out?
Is it true that cats domesticated themselves compared to other animals that humans domesticated for a purpose?
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