Science & Technology Q&A for Kids & Others:
Science & Technology Q&A for Kids (and Others) [Episode 50] »
1 hour 39 minutes
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What is dark matter?
What is the "fabric" of spacetime? What gives rise to it? What is it made of?
Is there something smaller than quarks?
How do black holes appear? Going continuously from 0 topological holes to 1...
Is there a computational system similar to quarks?
In the Wolfram Physics Project, could something, say a black hole, leave a wake/churn in the atoms of space in its past light cone? Perhaps there is something lingering that's detectable.
Is the structure of electrons a mystery? And if we knew what electrons were made of, would we be able to duplicate objects?
Is it really possible to get something from literally nothing?
It is often said that "nothing can escape black holes, not even light." Can gravitational waves escape black holes? If you manage to send two orbiting black holes that are about to merge into a larger black hole, will the gravitational waves still be produced? Does your theory of physics have anything to say about that?
How could we be reliable judges of what is metaphysically possible, rather than what seems possible to us given our current evidence (epistemic possibility)? How could we get evidence about which formal systems are metaphysically possible to realize?
What are the implications of "hypercomputation" being a possibility and hence existing?
What was your last "crazy" or "unrealistic but interesting" thought with regard to science or your thoughts about reality? A speculation that isn't based in any research, but is an intuition?
If a piece of space breaks off, does it just "float around" in the universe? If so, does gravity increase where that piece passes?
If a piece of universe detaches from our universe in a supercritical black hole, is that piece of universe contained in such a black hole still subject to hashing radiation?
Was the universe created from an explosion from a super super super super super... black hole?
Regarding the close-to-critical black holes: What would you see the "handful of threads" that connect it to our universe against? In an actual microscope, you see a structure against a black background. What's the background here?
Could black holes be a pinch in space where it goes inside out?
If a black hole rotates with that critical speed, could it expose hypercomputation?
Are there any plans to somehow incorporate any formal method tooling?
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