Science & Technology Q&A for Kids & Others:
Science & Technology Q&A for Kids (and Others) [Episode 54] »
1 hour 29 minutes
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Is it possible for there to be a different world or civilization deep in the oceans that we do not know about?
What do you think about civilization going to Mars?
Why do the planets orbit in the same plane?
Are Phobos and Deimos also on the same plane, considering they're asteroids that were grabbed by Mars and now orbit it?
What makes a planet a planet?
Why do most planets, stars and galaxies seem to spin the same way?
What did NASA do to avoid astronauts getting great amounts of cosmic rays?
How exactly do you detect muons? I'm going to be taking a class next year that has a big, fun project at the end of the semester that includes potentially making something that detects muons.
Why is water a good radiation shield if it has low atomic numbers inside?
Why does an iron core result in a supernova?
How do nuclear blasts affect computers?
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