Science & Technology Q&A for Kids & Others:
Science & Technology Q&A for Kids (and Others) [Episode 47] »
1 hour 17 minutes
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Why do server farms consume so much power? What advances are possible with parallel computing to reduce the power consumption or get more computations for the same amount of power?
Have you ever had a situation where UUIDs collided and caused some sort of issue?
Why does Bitcoin use so much power?
What is the correlation between sleep and weight loss?
Side note: Wolfram|Alpha lists the "universe atom count" as 6×1079 atoms, but a 256-bit UUID would have just 1.16×1077 options, so we may have a problem labeling the universe's atoms. How was the "universe atom count" calculated?
How do you convert black and white video to color?
How much sleep do you get a night?
What kind of car do you drive? What's the difference between the technology that fascinates you vs. technology that you just see as utilitarian?
Can you explain the difference between DC and AC, please?
If I walk into a very powerful solenoid, will the magnetic fields affect my nervous system or have any other physical effect on me?
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