Science & Technology Q&A for Kids & Others:
Science & Technology Q&A for Kids (and Others) [Episode 8] »
1 hour 24 minutes
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How Alan Turing Cracked the Enigma code?
Can you explain Newton second law of motion, please?
Hello, how much of Science is kept secret, either classified by the military or waiting for monetization inside private research labs?
How should we understand the double-slit experiment with light? If light is made of particles whose quantum wave functions interfere, producing the diffraction pattern we see? Or is light an electromagnetic wave that produces an interference pattern like any other wave phenomenon?
How does this work?
Why does no time pass at the speed of light?
Computers were inspired in particular by Turing works, right?
Ada Lovelace, a woman that was the first programmer.
Where does the word compute in English come from?
Why is the Von Neumann CPU architecture still dominating instead of more parallel solutions?
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