Stephen Wolfram Livestreams

Science & Technology Q&A for Kids & Others (156 videos)

Weekly ask-me-anything about science & technology


New episode streaming Friday, March 21, at 3:30pm ET. Submit your questions

Science & Technology Q&A for Kids & Others:
Science & Technology Q&A for Kids & Others:
Science & Technology Q&A for Kids & Others:
Science & Technology Q&A for Kids & Others:
Science & Technology Q&A for Kids & Others:
Science & Technology Q&A for Kids & Others:
What physical experiments do I recommend for kids? Highschooler here, project's connection to make space travel more possible? Do you have suggestions for someone who finds math fascinating, wants to learn more, but is not a math whiz and has difficulty with homework and tests? How far are we from building von Neumann machines? How can you connect to the internet if your mom turns off the wifi? Can intelligence be quantified, and how does that all work? So how intelligent one is comes down to how good can one understand and use their intelligence? I think one of the underlying issues is that kids are taught to pass exams, rather than to necessarily harvest knowledge. Do you know Brian Greene? My kids are currently reading your book A new kind of science, is your new physics book within reach for kids? Hi Mr. Wolfram. my name is Ed. I'm 52, and not a mathematician:-), although I love physics. Can you please explain how a particle acquires mass? is it alternating spin? I want to know the correspondence between intelligence and comprehension. For example, dogs can't recognize themselves in the mirror but chimps can. In humans, people used to study cranial circumferences as an indication of intelligence thus performance. I also saw an MIT lecture on quality of performance is the sum of knowledge, practice and talent, but I think it's rather general, would be great if an individual's intelligence can be quantified, though IQ tests are too general too. From a parent: what role if any did you play in your own kids education? Are they as fascinated as you with computation, the universe, math etc? Do you have any words of advice for parents? From a parent: what role if any did you play in your own kids education? Are they as fascinated as you with computation, the universe, math etc? Do you have any words of advice for parents? View Less »
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