Science & Technology Q&A for Kids & Others:
Science & Technology Q&A for Kids (and Others) [Episode 131] »
1 hour 17 minutes
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Could the expansion of the universe affect biological evolution?
How much does the sky weigh? How much does the Earth weigh?
What would happen if gravity on Earth changed to that of the Moon? What if gravity suddenly got stronger?
So a full data memory card vs. a new, empty data memory card of the same kind: will there be a slight difference in weight due to the data filled?
Do insects (e.g. ants, mites, etc.)/bacteria have brains? Assuming they do, do they have emotions? Do they feel pain? If they (in the case of bacteria) don't have a brain, what governs their behaviors?
How was it discovered that caffeine could energize us? Is it all living things that experience these effects, or is it exclusive to humans?
If electronics have coils and the brain has coils, should we be more conscious of signals in the air?
Is there a reason for the food likes and dislikes that each person experiences? Can tastebuds be tricked?
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