Stephen Wolfram Livestreams

Science & Technology Q&A for Kids & Others (156 videos)

Weekly ask-me-anything about science & technology


New episode streaming Friday, March 21, at 3:30pm ET. Submit your questions

Science & Technology Q&A for Kids & Others:
Science & Technology Q&A for Kids & Others:
Science & Technology Q&A for Kids & Others:
Science & Technology Q&A for Kids & Others:
If ChatGPT's transformer model stores the averaging of the text that regular people produced on the internet plus millions of books, is it fair to say that it's going to produce mediocre output? What if we train a model with text produced by geniuses ONLY, like Euler, Gauss, Newton, Benjamin Franklin, etc.? Would it be superior? What are you most excited to see from AI? Is AI guaranteed to be 100% accurate? Or does it behave in a way similar to humans, where mistakes are possible and there should be some sort of quality assurance, either built in or separate, that requires human labor? Does Elon Musk's call for halting AI development make any sense? Wouldn't people elsewhere do it anyway? Would this just hurt Western development at the cost of others pursuing it elsewhere? Do you think if AI is given control of some trivial systems that it could inadvertently snowball into gaining control of other systems and become a hazard to humans? ​​A recent study has linearly mapped the activation of an LLM to activations in the brain. Do you think that might be a hint that we may be on the right path? Do you think an artificially generated intelligence (AGI) could achieve an economic equilibrium for humans? The interesting difference of ChatGPT to actual intelligence is you can fool it easily with crafted input. Is there going to be a spread of misinformation due to AI (deep fakes, etc.)? As someone with allergies, being able to adopt an AI robot dog would be kind of cool! Human wants are not a fixed set of things. They evolve as society evolves. Do you think AI might just be a part of evolution like farming, the usage of electricity and smartphones (in the "extension of man" sense), and that we actually don't really have a say in it? With a powerful tool like AI, how does the education system need to be changed to meet the needs of future generations? How do teaching methods in schools need to be revamped? The question is, will the dog have the IQ to understand us deeply? That's the problem with AI: we might be like dogs in terms of our understanding of AI. We might not understand it, and that's the scary part.. View Less »
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Science & Technology Q&A for Kids & Others:
Science & Technology Q&A for Kids & Others:
Could every exoplanet have a habitable zone if one could get just far enough away from the star? What makes a planet habitable? Why do we measure sound using decibels? What advances in synthetic biology do you think will happen in the short term, the long term and the very long term? Have you visited Ginkgo Bioworks in Boston? AI-designed proteins that do biocomputation These processes, in the case of life, exist in a coevolved physiochemical balance. That would be hard to reproduce. How do you think space travel will change/improve as technology advances? Will it become a regular form of transportation sometime in the future? When helicopters were first developed, people thought they would transform cities and be our new taxis. But they're too expensive. On the subject of shorter travel times, I remember Heinlein suggesting in his books using suborbital rockets to travel between destinations. Would such an idea be too expensive for companies to run? Or would such an idea be feasible to cut travel time? I think the cost and safety risks associated with space and underwater ocean tourism will keep them from ever being commonplace. Now your perspective on what's possible for travel is different than the younger generations'. In relation to what you are saying about air travel, cellphones and computers, all of those technologies went through a long period (10+ years) of being luxury goods that only the richest people on Earth could use. The same will probably be true for space travel. Do you think that problem will get better or worse over time? View Less »
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