Science & Technology Q&A for Kids & Others:
Science & Technology Q&A for Kids (and Others) [Episode 110] »
1 hour 34 minutes
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There was a study where they saw helices in superconducting materials. What properties make helices common in nature, from DNA to whirlpools to EMR?
Can you tell us why electrons in the atoms of the Sun do not burn due to the heat?
How does superconducting magnet levitation work?
Fermions and bosons... Are hadrons the intersection between them?
Is there much use for superconductivity in space where the temp is already close to 0 K?
Especially in places without an insulating atmosphere around, superconductors should be a serious option. Much easier to dissipate heat!
Aren't there Japanese maglev trains on which there are cooling systems?
I believe these flux tubes also show up in gravity, leading to dark matter and dark energy effects.
What do you think has the most potential for changing the energy crisis, and what field do you think we need to focus on to get there?
As long as the nuke plant isn't dual-use for producing plutonium, then I think it's safe.
Thermovoltaic cells are a new thing that seem interesting for the efficiency of steam turbines. View Less »