Stephen Wolfram Livestreams

Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A (83 videos)

Biweekly ask-me-anything about business, innovation & managing life


New episode streaming Wednesday, April 2 at 3:30pm ET. Submit your questions

Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A:
Does Stephen play any musical instruments? Would you consider songs formal systems? I've been imagining a multiway graph for all of the chords on a guitar. How do you think the behavior of innovation changes with scale? That is, what's the difference in innovation between startups, small businesses and enterprises? Do you have electronic-off days or time windows (no electronic communication and no computers, etc.)? How do you deal with back pain or eye strain from reading too much? If you started your business again, what would you avoid or do differently? As we are eliminating jobs at light speed, how do you think society will cope with mass unemployment after we can automate the majority of trade-related jobs? How did you manage the sales side when you started that first company? If you were to go back in time, would you be able to get the world to 2020 tech within 20 years? But what happens in the future when we have AIs that can simulate realities that are indistinguishable from reality? What if you can simulate people doing jobs? Does Stephen Wolfram think that people should specialize in education earlier? Instead of taking general classes in high school, focus on one field and get to an undergrad level of education earlier? Didn't Feynman study Mayan hieroglyphs? Can an old dog learn new tricks (i.e. can a middle-aged person learn math and programming and be successful anywhere near someone who started when they were young)? What innovations, if any, do you think may be most useful for K–12 public education in the US? View Less »
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Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A:
Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A:
Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A:
Can you use Wolfram Language to log on to a website with a username and password and read data from that website? Will computational chemistry/biochemistry programs (AlphaFold2?) be accurate enough in their predictions to completely dominate private R&D to reduce the costs and durations of expensive wet lab experimentation? When did you first decide to hire people at Wolfram Research? How did you recruit and evaluate them? What have you learned about hiring since then? ​​Have you ever authentically read and replied to an unsolicited email if someone has an important idea for Mathematica and/or Wolfram Language? ​Do you have developers that work in a large variety of topics (changing monthly, perhaps), or are most in a "fixed" position/topic? ​When you reach the level you do with Wolfram Research, what steps do you undertake to ensure that you continue to innovate and don't lose ground to your competitors, and that you don't make the wrong business decisions? ​As someone with a technical background, how do you maintain a holistic overview of your company? For instance, do you better attempt to understand the company's financial books? ​What is your workout routine? How do you balance time being creative (for projects) with the everyday necessary work? ​At the start of crypto projects, there is always this battle between centralization and decentralization. You need an amount of centralization in the beginning to get things going. How long should a project be given before you let in the masses? ​Do you have an opinion concerning Poor Charlie's Almanack: The Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. Munger? ​Do you use rules similar to those in cellular automata when you manage your company or your company's projects? View Less »
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Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A:
Has Wolfram Research, Inc. done any research on and/or deals connected with household/personal robots such as Amazon's Astro? A question about your personal data logging: Have you identified any low-hanging fruit that could be broadly useful for "managing life"? Have you done any machine learning on that data? When did you realize you could do science for a living? Did you ever expect you'd do something else? Are people the world over losing confidence in fiat money and governments in general? What do you do to keep up your energy—supplements, omega-3 oils, etc.? What is the difference between planning for the future and envisioning a future? I work from 9am to 9pm in programming/math. I feel it's fine, but people say I work too much and that I should give myself a break. Should I listen? When does your working day end? Do you listen to music while working? Do you advise young professionals to "play the game," as in follow rules, meet requirements, concede to superiors, be political, etc., in academia or commercial settings? Do you respect people who take this approach? What do you spend your personal money on? Do you ever treat yourself to something nice, like jewelry, a fine dinner, etc.? ​Did you ever have to live with noisy upstairs neighbors? ​How do you decide between accuracy, speed and readability of code? Which tradeoff do you take and why? ​What's your opinion on company acquisition? Has Wolfram Research ever acquired other companies? If so, how do you quickly integrate an acquired company? ​Here's a question. My dad retired very early and he's got no direction, no focus or job. So he's digging himself into a pit. What can I advise him to learn/do that would be worth doing? In building an app that takes human language as input, do you feel that the current state of the art in parsers and compilers (based on Chomsky/trees/AST from >30 years ago) is in need of a rethink? View Less »
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Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A:
How do you plan and track your product roadmaps? How far in advance do you plan? Do you decide to go to bed based on the time or once you finish a piece of work? Or do you like to leave pieces of work open to sleep on them? What impact is China's energy crisis going to have on manufacturing? Are you worried about inflation of the US dollar? How do you not worry about larger macroeconomic events and just focus on business? How is your ERP replacement project that was mentioned a year ago going? Has anyone built a computer yet that is good at programming other computers? Do you agree that a life unexamined is not worth living? What would you like to see younger/newer programmers focus on? Do you think that the computer science community is focusing too much on video games, dating apps, etc.? To be creative, do I need to know how to change people's beliefs? There are many people in this world with many creative ideas, though how probable is it that I am the one to prove a science like no other? Do you think the current democracies are the apex of history, or do better systems to organize societies have to come? ​Maybe this is too personal, but have you ever experienced anxiety or any other mental health problems in relation with managing a business and your time? Why should one start a startup when computer scientists are paid well in already-existing companies? Is this why Professor Feynman insisted on explaining neutrons to plant workers? I just graduated college in business management, but fell in love with mathematics and computer science during my senior year. Is it foolish to go back and get another undergraduate degree? View Less »
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