Stephen Wolfram Livestreams

Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A (83 videos)

Biweekly ask-me-anything about business, innovation & managing life


New episode streaming Wednesday, April 2 at 3:30pm ET. Submit your questions

Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A:
Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A:
Why did you choose to partner up with Ethereum and Cardano? What do you think of Cryptocurrencies in general? Have you ever meet Stephen Wozniak? How do Wolfram Research determine the prices of its products? Any tips for pricing products? Cryptocurrency is living a top of the demand that ransomeware generates. What are the biggest obstacles to using smart contracts in day-to-day transactions? Who taught you first about how to run a software company? Did your family taught you this, or some professor from your university? What they taught you? Who was the first person to buy your software? Who taught you first about how to run a software company? Did your family taught you this, or some professor from your university? What they taught you? Who was the first person to buy your software? Is it more difficult to start a new company and make it big or to enter a big company and climb the hierarchy? If I may ask, how important do you think advanced education (i.e. a PhD) is in starting a company? Do you think it is necessary if you're interested in a high-tech industry (quantum computers, synthetic biology, etc.)? Did you write your first piece of software in assembly language on a 386? How do you organize your ideas, projects, notes, etc.? Pen & paper, or electronic-based?? When is it the right time to put the books down, bite the bullet and start a company around your idea? It always seems like we don't know enough to start. How much knowledge/ understanding of economics and finance is needed to start a company, in particular in tech/ science? Couldn't they fork off an experimental company, to try the experimental billion dollar making way, without risking much of the millions of income? ​How did you find the best partners for your company? Did you find it among your friends from university View Less »
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Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A:
What's your hottake on the gamestop saga? What's the most innovative prototype you've been shown that you're surprised didn't make it to market [or failed]...and do you know why? What business concerns does the R&D process entail? What is the process of inventing your own algorithm from scratch? How many algorithms in Mathematica were just created in house by wolfram research? Hi Dr. Wolfram, why does wealth inequality exist and is it necessary for a society to work well? Also will all this matter if we become immortal? Do you think your brain worked better when you were 20 or when you were 50? Jason Fried always talks about getting good at the individual skill of making money. Can you tell us what you've learned about the skill of making money over the years? What advice can you provide an entrepreneur who has lost their high tech business of 15 years due to bankruptcy. How can one overcome the emotional baggage of such a loss. Hi Stephen! You are obviously a man who has created a way to dive into a specific subject with great depth. How do you recommend that people keep their focus when it's easy to be distracted? I rarely finishes my projects. pls help me. Business sounds boring. I just want to do innovation and research. I think maybe business could be a consequence of a new innovative idea and successful project or something. Of course I could be a business person in the real world, since my projects/innovations are hobby and personal based. Is the fact that a lot of companies are pre-revenue (and some large companies don't even have a viable revenue stream) indicate a tech bubble? How did you deal with issues regarding scaling your systems as Wolfram grew? What's your take on the emerging space industry? Would you encourage/advise enterprises in that field? How to make someone fund for any company at ideation level? I have heard silicon valley investor's opinion that the best businesses begin operations in areas in which they are the only ones or part of a few, but with an horizon of big growth. Do you think math is in this horizon of growth, or is commited to a limit that paces the rate of growth in math and numerical analysis tools and solutions? You wrote on computational contracts some time ago. Is that on hold due to the physics project? View Less »
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Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A:
Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A:
Can't imagine having 800 people working for you Stephen, when did you start to have an entrepreneurial spirit? When you were little, did you work to get money? If I could start a company today that is likely to make me a ton of money, or one that would let me do something I love, which should I chose? What made you decide to go through with starting your own business and what did you think of Feynman's advice/letter at the time? Do you think most academics lack business sense? Do you think you could have started your companies without having a PhD? It feels as though one needs a PhD to get ahead in tech & business in general these days. How does one learn to talk to people? What would be better for a startup to get funds currently--venture capital, debt providers, IPOs, IEOs, ICOs, STOs, IDOs? I am interested in starting a company but I am finding a hard time deciding on a niche market that is on the small scale max of 100 employee likely in the IT sector. Any suggestions? What are the areas in which machine learning can be applied but in your experience people have never paid attention to? I am 18 years old that is interested in science and being an academician is, therefore, appealing , but I recognize that a lot of problems that needs to be fixed couldn't be done from inside academia. What is your advice? How can you possibly talk so long answering a single question? how has being based in Illinois near UIUC instead of silicon valley, nyc, or boston impacted your company if at all? what convinced you to make this decision? View Less »
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