Stephen Wolfram Livestreams

Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A (83 videos)

Biweekly ask-me-anything about business, innovation & managing life


New episode streaming Wednesday, April 2 at 3:30pm ET. Submit your questions

Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A:
What are your thoughts on operational systems and how they impact personal productivity? Have you ever used Microsoft Windows? Could you tell us a bit of your computer setup (OS, productivity tools, files sync systems, etc.)? With consistent routines and self-tracking, have you developed a strong intuition for how many keystrokes you've made in a day or how many steps you've taken in a day? Other Wolfram-y intuitions? I'm working on an IRC-client for my old Tiki 100 computer. I will only use IRC on that computer. It has to send signals to the PC that reroutes it into IRC though. But it should work. The Tiki 100 is a Norwegian computer released in 1984. It has a Zilog Z80 processor and 64 KB RAM and some chunky video framebuffer. ​​Would you be able to go back to pencil and paper? Like pure research? My first experience on a computer was the Commodore 64 playing Oregon Trail. Did you ever program any games? Do you have any career advice/job seeking advice? I graduated, and searching for a job is quite slow. I've also been considering starting some sort of (3D printing) business instead but don't really know how I can gain the skills for that. What made you start a business? How do you manage the "holiday madness" around this time of year (packed stores, more drivers than usual on the roads, house full of family)? How do you apply computer science, 500+ employees, new kind of business to architecture and city planning for billions? Do you ever feel like you spend too much time managing people instead of solving technical problems, or is the balance just right? Is it safe to say a business is a machine made of people? How do you decide balancing effort towards invention vs. innovation? Not just your own effort and time but also the Wolfram organization. Can this sort of scaling (employees needed for a functioning company) get modeled and planned by your technologies? I guess sub-projects are a good thing to have when doing projects that involve more than one person. ​As technologies become more and more complicated, do you sometimes feel a sense of losing control, or that it gets really overwhelming to try and understand how everything works? ​​How do you encourage people to envision a positive future when things aren't currently going as they expect? View Less »
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Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A:
Is it worth moving to the USA from the UK/Europe to pursue a career in science, mathematics or engineering? What if one wants to change the world? How long should one wait after college to start some startup in an area of their interest/expertise? When you are thinking deeply about a problem, do you think "on paper" or on a computer or a tablet or...? Do you find one of them to be better than the others? Can you tell a couple "stamp-licking" stories from the early days of starting Mathematica/Wolfram Research? What are your thoughts on crypto and blockchain from a business perspective in general? What do you think have been some of the most interesting and hard questions you've been asked here and elsewhere? Can ChatGPT increase productivity? Is outsourcing writing skills beneficial or damaging? "AI did my homework" is the inverse of "the dog ate my homework"—you don't want to be in either situation! Visual AI can produce amazing inspirations for jewelry and that sort of intricate art. Do you drink caffeine sources like tea or coffee? How many per day? What practices do you use to gauge and cultivate meaningful accountability as an individual and as part of a collective? ​​What was your revenue plan and time-to-revenue when starting your company? We know that you use a hierarchical knowledge organization (files in folders), but did you ever try to use a networked knowledge organization (e.g. Logseq, Roam Research,, etc.)? Thoughts on the best way to organize knowledge? Wolfram documentation is amazing because it's connected (related functions). I think the knowledge graph thesis is to give people epistemological tools and make it visual. But epistemology isn't something people worry about all the time while writing daily notes. Have you "driven" a Tesla in Full Self-Driving mode? It's out now for beta testing and it's magical. It's so, so good. Purely a vision + neural net implementation. Do you enjoy collecting and organizing physical books? Libraries are endless fun! View Less »
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Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A:
As a British native, do you participate in Thanksgiving festivities? Do you ever use spreadsheets or any other type of specialist app to manage information? Or is your main tool Mathematica? Do you go through periods of low motivation? If so, what do you do to get over that? Should I travel? Pi Day at SXSW was pretty special! I've been to one of your talks. The first time was around 1990 at the University of Colorado Boulder. Dr. Wolfram is the reason why I purchased a NeXTSTEP computer—because it included a copy of Mathematica. I think a lot of people are deep in mainstream university discourse and it is good to have talks to open up and stimulate curious people to break out of the stream if they want. Well, "they" say nothing beats person-to-person contact, as opposed to video conferencing. Then again, maybe "they" just like to travel to exotic places (disclaimer: I hate travel)! If you have to think about it (doing more in-person talks/traveling)... the answer is no. Unless you absolutely love it, there is no value in it. How about meeting people that don't go to universities but are really engaged in and doing hobby projects in computer and mathy stuff? Have you ever been to Idaho? Doesn't have to be a big and public place. Just talking back and forth, having a conversation. Big talks are not needed. What's the goal? To interact and make friends or lay the seeds of the Wolfram universe? Have you thought about making a video streaming and conferencing platform that integrates with your notebooks and computational language? Or do Google and Zoom do that well enough? You could periodically host "Wolfcon." Only folks interested would be likely to show up. As far as virtual interaction, I like Q&A streams, but also CA and physics streams. If I were you, I would make appearances conditional with a personal request based on your curiosity. Example: "I'll come to Paris, and in return I want you to pre-arrange a three-hour private tour with a senior curator at the Louvre for me and my wife." Wouldn't a conference on the Physics Project, in collaboration with a major university, help further disseminate it within the academic community? You should do a talk with Gerard 't Hooft. How come you were not on the Apple keynote when the Intel-based Macs were announced during the Mathematica demo? View Less »
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Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A:
How do you prepare for your keynote talks about new technologies and Wolfram Language features? What barriers currently still exist that keep AR/VR from being widely useful in the workplace? One thing I genuinely appreciate about Stephen is his obvious incredible delight when explaining concepts, particularly related to science. Does he ever have to force it? Do you take part in clinical trials? Diagnosing is definitely a potential job for AI. Can Wolfram Language screen for diseases or illnesses? ​Is it possible to change human DNA by intention, I mean by eating foods or taking medicine? Do you try to convince your children to go to specific universities/schools, or do they decide by themselves without any impact from you? Multiple screens are nice, but I feel it's less productive sometimes. Sort of the same thing as multitasking being a myth. I feel like I am someone who has a lot of interests. I did my engineering degree a decade ago but I want to study mathematics, physics, philosophy and neuroscience too. Have you also been someone with diverse interests? If so, how do you manage them? I feel like I struggle with wanting to learn so much more—I feel like it's a lot better to be focused and simple-minded. Any tips for fixing a chaotic filesystem? My files are scattered everywhere. What do you do when you feel like you're stuck in the mud and can't get out? How do you write? How much do you use the mouse while writing in a notebook? Do you have any preferences in reading hard copy vs. digital? You should have an automatic email word cloud generator. Does UV hurt the paper? Physical books are heavy and bulky, while ebooks are never bigger than your favorite tablet! What is the oldest book you own? Do you think storage devices like tapes and punch cards might come back sometime? View Less »
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Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A:
Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A:
How much time do you spend on building Wolfram Language vs. doing research on the Physics Project? And what are the pros and cons of doing both things? When working on something new, how do you know if you're making progress? Have you had stretches of time when you were exploring something, but it turned out that you weren't making much progress? How do you choose whether to throw a project in the trash or not? Sometimes you invest so much of yourself in something that it feels just impossible to do so. What tools, practices and/or policies can be implemented to mitigate the effects of reduced attention span and memory from social media use (and short-form content in general)? When you code, do you apply a test-driven design approach, or do you enjoy a more exploratory approach? What's "a day in the life of Stephen Wolfram" look like these days? With so much email, how do you bucket your email? Have you been running it through a rules engine of your own design? Why do so many companies prove such easy targets for hackers? Is robust security really so hard? Any future interviews of any public physicists, mathematicians, etc. coming soon? Do you take notes of things you learn? What's the system that you use for managing new information (when researching or learning new things)? What is your opinion on solo work vs. group work and how it impacts the legacy of a product that has tangible and intangible business products? How do you identify great developers? Do you test developers, be that with code or psychometrics, as part of the hiring process, or do you prefer to rely on conversation? Any philosophy book or article you recommend reading? View Less »
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