Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A:
Business, Innovation and Managing Life (December 21, 2022) »
1 hour 29 minutes
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What are your thoughts on operational systems and how they impact personal productivity? Have you ever used Microsoft Windows? Could you tell us a bit of your computer setup (OS, productivity tools, files sync systems, etc.)?
With consistent routines and self-tracking, have you developed a strong intuition for how many keystrokes you've made in a day or how many steps you've taken in a day? Other Wolfram-y intuitions?
I'm working on an IRC-client for my old Tiki 100 computer. I will only use IRC on that computer. It has to send signals to the PC that reroutes it into IRC though. But it should work.
The Tiki 100 is a Norwegian computer released in 1984. It has a Zilog Z80 processor and 64 KB RAM and some chunky video framebuffer.
Would you be able to go back to pencil and paper? Like pure research?
My first experience on a computer was the Commodore 64 playing Oregon Trail. Did you ever program any games?
Do you have any career advice/job seeking advice? I graduated, and searching for a job is quite slow. I've also been considering starting some sort of (3D printing) business instead but don't really know how I can gain the skills for that. What made you start a business?
How do you manage the "holiday madness" around this time of year (packed stores, more drivers than usual on the roads, house full of family)?
How do you apply computer science, 500+ employees, new kind of business to architecture and city planning for billions?
Do you ever feel like you spend too much time managing people instead of solving technical problems, or is the balance just right?
Is it safe to say a business is a machine made of people?
How do you decide balancing effort towards invention vs. innovation? Not just your own effort and time but also the Wolfram organization.
Can this sort of scaling (employees needed for a functioning company) get modeled and planned by your technologies?
I guess sub-projects are a good thing to have when doing projects that involve more than one person.
As technologies become more and more complicated, do you sometimes feel a sense of losing control, or that it gets really overwhelming to try and understand how everything works?
How do you encourage people to envision a positive future when things aren't currently going as they expect? View Less »