Stephen Wolfram Livestreams

Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A (83 videos)

Biweekly ask-me-anything about business, innovation & managing life


New episode streaming Wednesday, April 2 at 3:30pm ET. Submit your questions

Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A:
Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A:
Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A:
Stephen knows and remembers so much! Any hints on memory techniques and how to learn in general, and especially in math and physics as an adult? ​What do you think of shifts in perspective as a source of discoveries in science? Is there any place for discoveries based on questioning the status quo? Of the smartest people you have had a chance to communicate with, who stands out the most and why? ​How do you spend money in a wise way? Do you have some heuristics? What technology would you keep away from your children, and for how long? What might be the best investment opportunities over the next 20 years? Someone said if you hear good reviews of your product from other people, then you have succeeded. If you don't hear any feedback from others, that is usually a bad sign. You mentioned investing in ideas. What is your metric for investing in an individual with an idea? For instance, are the Wolfram Winter and Summer Schools places for you to find those people to invest in? Is there any technological innovation that you are anticipating or hoping is coming in the next few years? What was it like handling the business side of things, being a creator? Was it something you liked or just did out of necessity? Was it hard or easy? Did you do it all yourself, get help or just hire someone else more savvy and in the know to do it entirely? ​What are techniques for developing intuition, in particular when working with really abstract concepts like those found in math, physics or even business? View Less »
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Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A:
I am writing a long-form article about James Lovelock, who was unusual in that he was an independent scientist. It struck me that you count as one too, and I wondered if you had ever blogged about the upside or downside of not being part of the scientific establishment? ​What is the artifact behind you? It looks like something one might use to trap a mouse. ​Have you ever focused "too much," such that the focus was detrimental to your work? So you are on an island? I have been looking for an isolated island with limited tourists to spend some stress-free time. They are hard to find! Any tips for building a remote software company, and how to maintain company culture when everyone is working from home? From a business point of view, how do you make the jump to working on highly technical projects that have long development times and higher costs? Hypothetically, if one had the opportunity and means to pursue a completely different avenue in life even though it was not one's formal field of study... Thoughts on big life changes? Any interesting discussion of the history of the whaling business? Sorry for a bit of a silly question, but you seem to like to use a light theme as opposed to a dark theme on your computer. Does it have any effect on your eyes in the long run? How much time do you spend each day on your phone? If you had to spend one year without computers, what would you do? ​​I'm still waiting for phones that can do projection on the wall with a keyboard touchscreen with light detectors. ​Did you learn anything useful during your brief time as a consultant? If you could go back in time with your laptop running Mathematica, who would you show it to? Euler? Bernoulli? Newton? Others? A discussion between Ada Lovelace and Alan Turing would be interesting. You need to write this fiction, even if it's just blogged in chunks. View Less »
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Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A:
In science, when is it preferable to self-publish rather than go through academic journals? ​What place do you see for competitive behavior (especially in respect to the paper/citation system) in science? What do you think would be a good replacement for peer review? Have you ever considered working in finance instead of physics? Many very smart people work for trading companies (such as RenTech/Jane Street) for a couple years. I sometimes think we waste some of our brightest minds on "making money." Could we somehow "shift" the market demand for technology that highly favors intellectual advancement in ideas sufficiently so that these "analytically bright" people are interested in scientific progression? How do you "decide" to direct your behavior when faced with aggression in tense meetings? Is it possible for low-level employees to prove themselves by solving complex problems in an operation despite lacking the typical formal qualifications of education, but nevertheless being promoted? ​​One of the best docs for technical computing comes from Wolfram. Is there any general philosophy in Wolfram on balancing technical and business-oriented documentation that generates leads? ​What advice would you have for someone who wants to pursue some academic field that's a bit unorthodox—like, say, your kind of physics—as a graduate student? What I've been told is to save that for when you become a tenured professor (if ever). ​Is there a way to contribute to science without a college degree? ​​Humans were scientists for a long time before there were college degrees (let alone colleges). View Less »
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Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A: