Stephen Wolfram Livestreams

Future of Science & Technology Q&A (35 videos)

Biweekly ask-me-anything about the future of science & technology


New episode streaming Friday, February 28, at 3:30pm ET. Submit your questions

Future of Science & Technology Q&A:
Future of Science & Technology Q&A:
Future of Science & Technology Q&A:
Future of Science & Technology Q&A:
What is your view on LLMs with regard to computational irreducibility—i.e. will they hit a computational irreducibility wall anytime soon? Do you think there's any low-hanging fruit in computational psychology? I'm not seeing how intuition is much different than LLMs. It's hard to identify what exact elements created an intuition. They have made the LLM be so nice to keep one engaged. It feels real when talking to advanced voice mode until it becomes repetitive, then at that point I feel inclined to program it to act more realistic. I prefer the skeptical collaborator LLM personality. Would creating consciousness in a machine and then conducting mind experiments on it be immoral? I feel like it's an autonomous entity at that point. As AI becomes a dominant tool for information dissemination, how do we ensure that it supports critical thinking rather than passive consumption? What role should education play in preparing individuals to critically engage with AI-generated content? Does the use of bots and LLMs in sensitive areas—education, healthcare or governance—risk dehumanizing these vital sectors? Are LLMs changing how people do physics now, especially on the frontier areas, say in coming up with a unified theory? Instead of risking massive amounts of capital on projects that might fail, can we use LLMs to scope out the interesting pockets of reducibility so that greater percentages of our investments succeed? Can you speak to how NOAA is using cellular automata to simulate weather patterns? The way you ask LLMs questions is an art. Asking it the same thing using different words has brought back interesting results. It would be an interesting question to know if the conceptualization of concepts by LLMs is limited by language, as scientists say the LLMs create an intermediate conceptualization. Assuming merging human with digital AI would be possible, what do you think would be the effects in terms of "observing" reality? ​​Notebook Assistant IS revolutionary! Thank you, I look forward to the next iterations. View Less »
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Future of Science & Technology Q&A:
Future of Science & Technology Q&A: