Future of Science & Technology Q&A:
Future of Science and Technology Q&A (March 29, 2024) »
1 hour 8 minutes
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Regarding the April 8 eclipse, what should we know about the weather? What if it's cloudy or raining? What will the future of predicting eclipses look like?
Will we be able to move the Moon to keep eclipses?
The Moon gets further away because of friction in the oceans from tides, so could we play with that mechanic?
I've seen a couple articles about attempting to build trains on the Moon. Would that be useful?
Should we expect really unusual emergent properties from LLMs as we scale up the data more and more?
It seems erroneous to think it's a "more data" question; it's the opposite—"less data" (more generalization/transferability and efficiency) via integration of a "symbolic" framework/accelerator.
Human senses capture an absolutely tiny sliver of what's going on. Would additional (strong) senses lead to bigger brains or more languages?
Is human consciousness one-dimensional?
Perhaps it's not so surprising that training AI on games is useful, when humans learn through play in early life.
There is an interesting article about how the requirements of ChatGPT-7 would be massive, like 5 Gorge Dams or half the world's computers, and there isn't enough training data.
What does it say about logic (and set/type theories) as a so-called formal language that LLMs can't just trivially do logic and reasoning?
What's the best way to pass computational representation to language models, plain text or embeddings?
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